This year the library is kicking off a brand new blog, full of writing related wonders. While it’s been great posting on social media and sending out updates via newsletter, this year the library hopes to offer even more for you to read and enjoy. But more content means need for more space! Thus, the blog was created.
Currently new books are being added to the shelves every month and a penpal program is up and running. The hope for 2021 is to add a local queer zine, longer pieces about book acquisitions, and perhaps even some author interviews! There is future potential for things like book reviews and guest posts as well.
As always, the goal of the library is to uplift marginalized queer voices and to connect you with them. Creative media has always been a powerful way to communicate and connect, to be less alone in the world, to explore and celebrate. And so the library is excited to launch this new project. Stay tuned for more content!